The history of Close Talk Conference System
In the beginning...
history of Close Talk started in Sweden 1988 with a vision of a completely
wire-less telephone conference system for board rooms and other high-end
installations. The use of radio was quickly discarded and infrared light was
chosen as carrier. In 1989 the first delivery of this hand-made, high-grade
wooden box microphone system was made, shown to the right. During the coming
five years over 500 units where sold on the Scandinavian market to a wide
selection of state, municipal and well known local and international companies.
In 1997 Close Talk decided it was time to introduce it’s idea to the world. The development of a new generation for the mass-market was started to include products and components designed for ease of use, quick installation, reliability, long life and a reasonable price. At the turn of the millennium the first generation of this new product line saw the light of day. The following two years included a hectic time to build the local Scandinavian market and finally in 2002, generation two was introduced internationally at the annual ProLight&Sound trade show in Frankfurt to intense market interest.
In 2005 generation three was introduced world-wide with a host of new features, laying the foundation for the solid conference technology product range available today.
Building on a long time of product experience, Close Talk Conference System will continue towards the goal of becoming the worlds most price-worthy wire-less conference- and voting system!
Project history and market impact
Close Talk Conference System has been sold in great numbers to numerous prestigious customers such as presidential and governmental offices, United Nations, World Bank, US Senate, numerous municipalities and corporations all over the world.
Key features highly appreciated by the customers are ease of installation, ease of use, excellent design, excellent reliability, total safety to eavesdropping and excellent value for money.
Close Talk and Close Talk Conference System are products and trademarks owned and managed by Apodosis AB, Sweden that handles product development, marketing and production. The system is fully produced in Sweden, using local subcontractors.