Available downloads are manuals, application notes, marketing material, firmware's and software's.
- Close Talk Control
Close Talk Control is the main conference control application including voting, attendance management, camera follow and more - Close Talk Install
Close Talk Install is an installation tool used for system installation, testing and fault-finding - Close Talk Loader
Close Talk Loader is used to update the system firmware's
A firmware is a computer program used by the system hardware products. Firmware's are loaded using the PC software tool Close Talk Loader
- Central Unit
The central unit firmware comes in several languages and versions depending on the system generation type - Delegate Unit
The delegate unit firmware is updated via the central unit, first install the firmware in the central unit using Close Talk Loader and then update the delegate units as described in the user manuals
Most documents are in the Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Use the link to
the right to install Acrobat Reader free of charge.
- Marketing
The Marketing download section contains product catalogs, brochures and other sales material - Manuals
The Manuals section contains user manuals for the hard- and software products - Application notes
Notes for various special applications and cases
All the downloadable material is (c)2000-2021 Apodosis AB, Sweden, all rights reserved. We reserve the right to change all specifications without prior notice. All intellectual property, including without limitation, trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners and any unauthorized use thereof is strictly prohibited.