
All documents are in Adobe PDF format, by clicking the link, the document may be opened in your browser window. To download the document to the local hard drive, right-click the link and choose "Save target as..." or equivalent.

Product catalogue

The product catalogue starts with a brief description of the product history, moves to an introduction of the system and then finally contains technical data for all system products including the most common application notes.

Product catalogue version 6
2016-January-1, 4.2MBytes, English language.

The document is in 150dpi resolution and is best printed dual-sided.

Product and company presentation

The product and company presentation contains highlights and sales points for Close Talk Conference System suitable for sales meetings and trade shows.

Product and company presentation
2014-January-11, 3 318 512 bytes, english language.


These four-page brochures discusses what a conference system can do, why an infrared wireless system is the better alternative and then specifically, what Close Talk Conference System can do.

English brochure
2011-September-19, 1.42MBytes.

Swedish brochure
2011-August-09, 1.43MBytes.

Short-form Close Talk introduction brochures:

German Language/Deutsch Sprache, PDF document, 1MBytes.

Spanish Language/En Español, PDF document, 1MBytes.

Italian Language/Lingua Italiana, PDF document, 1MBytes.

French Language/Langue Française, PDF document, 1MBytes.

For detailed technical product information, please download the full product catalogue.

Other marketing material

A huge selection of photos and other marketing material is also available, please contact us on!