Delegate Unit
New! Beginning 2016 the Delegate Unit has a new detachable, double-gooseneck microphone with a larger 15mm capsule. 2015 the audio system was also updated, owners of existing systems may consider refurbishing to gain many of these updates, contact us for more information.
The delegate unit is a stand-alone, cord-less unit used for speaking and voting and has the following features:less unit used for speaking and voting and has the following features:
- Battery powered
- No power cords needed
- A fully charged unit will last 20 hours listen-only and 8 hours
continuous talk
- Small and sleek design
- Easy operation
- Only two buttons makes operation very easy to understand
- Only two buttons makes operation very easy to understand
- Sound level adjustment knob for speaker and headphones
- Excellent sound quality
- Built-in microphone signal detector
- Prevents speaker channel lock-outs when a speaker forgets to release his channel
- Software can be updated over data channel
- New delegate unit software is downloaded into the central unit and can then be sent to all delegate units at once
- Automatic software version handling. A delegate unit with an older software version will automatically detect the presence of a newer version
- Detachable microphone
- Increases flexibility
- Large 15mm capsule with excellent audio quality
- Available in two lengths
High quality gold plated microphone connector with locking knut and
Order code: DU-111-02
NOTE! This order code is a complete base Delegate Unit, with battery and without microphone.
Detachable microphone
The detachable microphone comes in two lengths suitable for most situations, the "short" variant of 365mm and the long 500mm variant:
The "short" variant microphone is suitable for the most common conference table setups:
Order code: DU-Mic-370
The "long" variant microphone is suitable for chairman/secretary
situations where more desk space is needed:
Order code: DU-Mic-500
Download full product catalogue for more detailed information. An instruction for replacing the battery can be downloaded here (PDF document).